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PANWTF allies with PFSC November 16, 2005 By Don Heckman, PANWTF Executive Officer Pennsylvania Chapter National Wild Turkey Federation joined Pennsylvania Federation Sportsmen Clubs as a state-wide conservation organization affiliate in 2004. We were the first wildlife conservation organization to join PFSC and become part of their sportsmen's organization. Jerry Zimmerman and I worked with PFSC Executive Director Melody Zullinger and President Ray Martin to create this new membership organization category within the PFSC. Hunter's, Trapper's, Angler's, sportsmen and conservation organization's need to work together to improve, support, and gain legislation that endorses and protects our outdoors heritage through hunting, trapping, fishing, and promotes the wise management of our natural resources. Through the PFSC mission statement: "provide a statewide, united voice for the concerns of all sportsmen and conservationists; to insure their rights and interests are protected, and to protect and enhance the environment and our natural resources", and the NWTF mission statement "conservation of the wild turkey and preservation of the hunting heritage" that work can be accomplished. Pennsylvania Trapper's Association became the second conservation organization to join PFSC in 2005. PA Chapter NWTF representative to PFSC is Don Heckman, PANWTF Executive Officer, and Wild Turkey Management Committee Chairman. Don sits on the PFSC Game Committee to review resolutions and changes in Game and Trapping laws and regulations, and works with the Membership Committee to develop opportunities for other conservation organizations to join PFSC. PA Chapter NWTF has a board member seat on PFSC Board of Director and is represented by Don Heckman. Periodically I will report on PFSC accomplishments and challenges facing our hunting, trapping, and fishing heritage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs 2426 North Second St. Harrisburg , PA 17110 Phone: 717-232-3480 Fax: 717-232-3480 info@pfsc.org www.pfsc.org PFSC -- AT WORK FOR YOU The Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs (PFSC) is the only state-wide, grassroots organization that represents nearly 100,000 sportsmen & women, and receives its direction form every one of its members. As a member, how will your voice be heard? Through the representatives you elect at the club, county, division and state level, and the two conventions held each year. PFSC leaders listen to the needs and wishes of sportsmen and women and conservationists. With those goals in mind, the PFSC works alongside Pennsylvania decision makers. The PFSC has nearly 75 years of exp! erience fighting for your right to hunt, fish, and trap. We are proud to have spent those years preserving Pennsylvania outdoor heritage for you, your children, and for future generations. In case you’ve missed the many issues we've been involved in, here's a recap of some past headlines: House Bill 2181 was a serious threat to State Game Land regulations. If HB 2181 had passed the legislature, the horseback riders and mountain bikers would have had unlimited access to all State Game Lands. The PGC would no longer have had control of game land regulations. Not only were your Game Lands being severely damaged, you could have expected horses and mountain bikes passing your stand while hunting deer or turkey. This bill failed to come to the floor for one reason only. The persistent efforts of the PFSC! We were standing on the firing line defending your rights for the primary use of our State Game lands. At the hearing on this bill, the PFSC was the only organization opposing this bill that was permitted to testify. We were there on the front line, and used our clout on behalf of PA sportsmen and women to win another critical battle for our Outdoor Heritage. House Resolution 15 (2003) by Rep. Bruce Smith produced a study on the feasibility of combining the Game Commission and the Fish & Boat Commission. The study did not recommend a merger, but did say it could produce approx. a $5 million dollar savings per year, yet failed to report any of the potential costs of such. We believe that any merger, especially one under DCNR would result in a reduction of services to sportsmen and the resource. This is not about saving us money. It is about giving the politicians more control of our agencies. Stay tuned! This issue looks to heat up again in the future. House Resolution 222 (2003) by Rep. Staback produced a study on the feasibility of combining the law enforcement of the Game Commission and the Fish & Boat Commission under DCNR. The study said a merger was feasible, but said it would cost an additional $5.8M more a year to operate. PFSC, along with all three agencies opposes such a merger. We continue to monitor the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and the effects that it could have on our wild & farm populations of deer and elk. With CWD now found in NY, it is imperative that more steps are taken to monitor the wild & captive cervid herds in PA. We are asking the Dept. of Agriculture to implement a mandatory monitoring / surveillance program. The PFSC, along with help from the PA Trappers Assoc. and the Predator Hunters, were able to prevent the PGC from passing regulations at their April 2002 meeting that would have eliminated day-time coyote hunting during any deer season unless they had a valid deer tag. We were able to convince them to add a valid furtakers license. We also helped correct the fluorescent orange regulation problems for predator hunters. PFSC continues to represent its members at Game and Fish & Boat Commission meetings, and testifies at legislative hearings. See the testimony that the PFSC has given on behalf of the sportsmen and women of Pennsylvania by checking out our web page. http://www.pfsc.org The Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen Clubs, Inc. is the only statewide sportsmen organization with full-time staff working for you. PFSC listens to and takes its direction from its grass roots members. Here’s a sample of some of the issues PFSC has played a major role in: Stopping HB 2181 – legislation that would have taken away control of our game lands from the PGC & placed them under IRRC. Repealing the Philadelphia Firearms Act Establishing fish ladders for migratory species on the Susquehanna River Protecting existing club shooting ranges from closure due to noise complaints through Act 74 & SB 56 of 1997 Preventing local governments from prohibiting hunting in their jurisdiction, through a successful case in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Insuring the public right to navigable waterways through a lawsuit over the Lehigh River . Supporting the bobcat season approved by the Pennsylvania Game Commission- animal rights groups oppose trapping, the most likely means of harvesting bobcats Supported the Conservation and Reinvestment Act, and now and state wildlife grant funding- national legislation which will bring millions of dollars to Pennsylvania for wildlife and habitat Monitoring firearms and all other legislation that could be detrimental to our outdoor heritage. Oppose any merger of our commissions, especially one under DCNR. We believe any merger would lead to a reduction in services to our fish and wildlife resources, and to the sportsmen and women of Pennsylvania who are proud of our outdoor heritage and who want our great traditions and heritage to continue. Support long term alternative funding for our Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission so they can remain fiscally strong, and fighting for fair and equitable license increases when needed. We supported and helped pass a fishing license increase to provide financial stability to the PFBC & are now working to help pass a license increase for the PGC. Supported the Growing Greener II Bond Initiative that includes $27M for the PA Fish & Boat Commission and $20M for the PA Game Commission. Supported Mentored Youth Hunting, HB 1690, and worked with fellow conservation organizations to gain legislative passage and Governor's signature. |